
Darien Youth Hockey Association By-Laws

(Amended June 30, 2020)



Section 1: Name

The name of this corporation shall be the DARIEN YOUTH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION (DYHA).

Section 2: Registered Address

The registered address of the corporation shall be at a place selected by the Board of Directors as the affairs of the corporation require.

Section 3: Registered Agent

The registered agent of the corporation shall be the Treasurer elected by the Board of Directors.

Section 4: Non-Profit Status

This corporation is organized as a State of Connecticut non-profit organization upon a non-stock membership basis, not involving pecuniary gain or profit for any of its members, for a term of perpetual existence.

Section 5: Exempt Status

This corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively as an exempt organization under the provisions of Section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended and as may be amended in the future.

Section 6: Use of Funds

All funds and property of this corporation shall be used and distributed exclusively for carrying out the purposes of the corporation as set forth in Article II.

Section 7: Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the corporation shall begin March 1 and end on February 28 (or February 29, as the calendar may dictate) of the following year.

Section 8: Power to Borrow Money

The Association may borrow money, and mortgage its property or issue a promissory note or bond for repayment with interest, at the recommendation of the Treasurer and with the approval of two-thirds of the Board of Directors.

Section 9: Financial Statements

The Treasurer shall, at least once each year or at the request of the Board of Directors, prepare a true statement of the assets and liabilities of the corporation for the preceding fiscal year. The statement shall be available to any member on their request.

Section 10: Dissolution

In the event of liquidation or dissolution of this corporation, or in the event that it shall cease to carry out any of its purposes, all funds and property of the corporation shall be distributed to non-profit corporations with purposes similar to those set forth in Article II and which are exempt organizations as set forth in Section 4 of this Article I, that the Directors of this corporation may select, and in no event shall any of the funds or property be distributed to any of the members or used for any other purpose.


Darien Youth Hockey Association is a non-profit organization operating youth hockey programs for the benefit of people in the vicinity of Darien. The purposes of the corporation are:

  1. To develop character, sportsmanship, and physical fitness among the youth of the area;
  2. To encourage and promote participation in youth hockey;
  3. To conduct an amateur hockey program consistent with the rules and regulations of the Connecticut State Hockey Conference and USA Hockey; and
  4. To perform or participate in other activities that will aid in reaching these objectives. 



Section 1: Active Member

An Active Member is a parent, step-parent, guardian, or other person who pays at least one dollar toward the fee of any child participating in the DYHA programs. The term of membership is the fiscal year of the Association. Funds contributed to DYHA as part of a fund-raising activity do not entitle the contributor to the benefits of membership.

Section 2: Expulsion

An Active member and the child participating may be expelled, after due notice and an opportunity for a hearing, for conduct detrimental to the Association, by the vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors in attendance in a regular or special meeting. The Secretary shall provide at least ten days’ notice to the person to be expelled and to the members of the Board prior to the regular or special meeting at which the matter is to be resolved. The person shall be offered an opportunity to be heard at that meeting, and to present others to testify in his or her behalf, prior to any final disposition by the Board.

Section 3: Voting Members

One Voting Member will be selected by each House league team and each Travel team. The Voting Member so selected must be an Active member as described in Section 1 above.

At the House level, each team coach and appropriate coordinator (Mite, Squirt, Senior) will create a fair, open and equitable process to select the Voting Member.

At the Travel level, each Team Manager will create a fair, open and equitable process to select their Voting Member.

Voting Members must be selected by November 15th of each year.

Section 4: Voting Members

Voting Members may not be current DYHA Board Members, spouses of Board Members, persons seeking Board election or Travel team coaches. No Voting Member may represent more than one team. Voting Members will be re-elected each year. There are no term limits for Voting Members.

Voting members may participate on DYHA committees. In addition, Voting Members shall meet at least twice during the year to vote upon any material and/or significant matters, involving DYHA. Meetings may be held in person, by telephone or other electronic conference call, or by e-mail, provided that notice of the meeting is provided reasonably in advance of the meeting to the Voting Members by the Secretary of DYHA by mail and/or e-mail. Voting shall be done by confidential written ballot or by e-mail. The Voting Members present at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum. Except as otherwise provided in these By-Laws, all issues to be voted on by the Voting Members shall be decided by a simple majority of those present at the meeting in which the vote takes place.



Section 1: Board of Directors

  1. Number of Directors: The property and affairs of DYHA shall be managed by a Board of Directors composed of not more than 16 elected Directors.
  2. Nomination and Election of DYHA Board Members: The existing DYHA Board shall present the Voting Members with a slate of proposed Directors and a President. To be elected, each Director must receive at least a majority vote of the Voting Members present at the meeting in which the vote takes place and the President must receive at least two-thirds vote of the Voting Members present at the meeting in which the vote takes place. A separate vote will be cast by each Voting Member for each nominated Director and President. Consequently, the Voting Members will have in effect a ”Line Item Veto” of individual Directors.
  3. The existing DYHA Board shall define on an annual basis the position to be held by each Board Member. In the event that the Voting Members do not approve a candidate for President at the annual meeting, the newly constituted Board will have the responsibility of proposing a new candidate for President, and will submit the new candidate to the Voting Members for approval at a special meeting of the Voting Members convened for that purpose.
  4. Term Limits: Each Board Member is expected to serve a minimum of three years, provided that they are re-elected by the Voting Members annually. While an individual's Board responsibilities may change during the course of a term or terms, no member will remain on the Board for longer than six (6) years. This includes the President. As far as practicality and the availability of volunteer replacement directors allows, the terms of the Board Members will be staggered. A Director may be removed during his/her term by 75% of the votes of the Voting Members present at a Special Meeting.
  5. Election of Board Members: The Voting Members will cast their votes for Directors during an annual meeting of Voting Members. The DYHA Board must present its slate of Directors to the Voting Members no later than June 15th. The annual meeting of Voting Members during which Voting Members will vote on the proposed slate will be held on or before June 30th.
  6. Term: July 15th shall be the official start/end date of terms for elected Board Members.
  7. Vacancies: Any vacancy or vacancies on the Board of Directors during the Term may be filled by the Board of Directors, by appointment, for the unexpired term.
  8. Removal: A Director may be removed by affirmative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors when sufficient cause exists for such removal. The Board of Directors shall adopt such rules as it may consider necessary for the best interest of DYHA for a hearing on charges against a Director. 

Section 2: Regular Meetings

The Board shall hold at least 10 regular meetings during the year at a time and place determined by the President. The Secretary shall notify all members of the Board of the date, time and place of each meeting and once so scheduled must not be changed unless 5 business days’ notice is given.

Section 3: Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called by the President, or at the written request to the President, of at least five members of the Board. The Secretary shall notify members of the Board of the date, time and place of the meeting at least three days in advance.

Section 4: Quorum

At least 8 members of the Board, including the President, must be present to constitute a quorum at any regular or special meeting.

Section 5: Parliamentary Procedure

All meetings shall be governed by rules of parliamentary procedure. Roberts Rules of Order shall govern questions of procedure.

Section 6: Limited Liability

No Director shall be liable in any manner for any debts or obligations of the Association and shall not be subject to any manner of assessment by virtue of his membership.

Section 7: Resignation

Any member of the Board of Directors may resign and/or withdraw from membership in the Association at any time, upon written notice of his/her desire to do so delivered to the President or Secretary of the Association.

Section 8: Committees

The Board of Directors may create committees as needed, such as executive, travel hockey, house hockey, disciplinary, fund raising, special projects, etc. The President appoints all committee chairs and the Board shall agree on the participants. Committees shall only have such decision-making authority as approved by the board and all decisions taken by committees are subject to board ratification.


Section 1: Voting Members

The Voting Members and the Board of Directors may amend these By-Laws by presenting the amendment at a meeting of the Voting Members. The approval of two-thirds of the Voting Members present at the meeting in which the vote takes place is required to pass the amendment.

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